Kimberly Coulter
1 min readMar 15, 2020


I still don’t know of anyone personally who has a confirmed case

It is easy for me to disassociate from the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. I live in a small town with a low crime rate, and very few people. I work from home, and I’ve been fully stocked on non-perishable food for weeks now.

I listened to Styxhexenhanmer666.

I’m reporting everyday on this outbreak, but I’m pretty detached from the effects that I see appearing all over my numerous feeds. Students and 9–5 workers all over the country are suffering the consequences of mandated school closures, and I’m over here eating beans feeling like the last 3 years of gearing my life towards sustainably working from home has prepared me to brave the coronavirus in my preferred introverted state- My puppies, my guy, D&D on roll20, and my articles on the National File.



Kimberly Coulter

American Journalist and Reporter. 2A and 1A activist. Follow my journalism at