Kimberly Coulter
6 min readApr 26, 2021


Can you remember the first words you ever said to your significant other? I can.

I looked into his piercing blue eyes on a warm Night in New York City- August 18, 2008 right on the steps at Columbus circle and I said , “Kim and Tim, we rhyme.”

We certainly did.

The chemistry was instant and more powerful than anything I’d ever felt. He wasn’t even in the class he came to NY for, but that small miscalculation brought us together- Devine intervention.

We spent every day with each other that week. When we weren’t hanging out we were on the phone. He finally had to go back to NJ, so he asked if I’d be his girlfriend. We dated for two years, and out of fear that I would bore him I almost irreversibly sabotaged the relationship.

The pain was real, but the love was even stronger. We never stopped talking, and even got back together a couple times.

In 2012 we both hit rock bottom. I was 87 lbs and he…well he can share his side of things when he wants to.

I got sent to Maine, then California. He stayed on the east Coast.

We still never stopped talking. He was the guy I tried to find in every other relationship I tried, but a guy with only a handful of Tim’s qualities was never enough.

The Diet Coke substitutes were never as perfect as the real deal- my first true love.

Flash forward to 2017. I had almost been blown up in a house fire and had to be rescued from a horrible living situation and an even more horrible relationship.

I moved into a Ranch house with my family friend- Uncle Rodney.

I got close with my first ever right wing friends and I started really looking into politics for the first time. I started getting red pilled.

Then, he called. He was in prison. He did workouts counting out my cell phone numbers so he wouldn’t forget it by the time he got his free call.

My heart JUMPED into my throat. “An inmate from _____ is trying to reach you. To accept this call, press 1.”

It was him. My real true love was on the other end. After everything we had both been through he still wanted to talk to me.

It had been almost a year since I’d last heard his voice, and words will never properly express the joy I felt hearing him on the other end of that call.

I added credit onto my line immediately.

He explained that he was done with how things had been. It was time for both of us to straighten up and take responsibility for the damage we had caused to our relationship and our own lives.

He was ready to be a man and if I was ready to be a proper woman, and we would have our relationship back!

After a few weeks of talking every night, uncle Rodney sat me down at our weekly Friday dinner and said, “you know this boy loves you, right? What are you going to do about it?”

I knew he was right. He is always right- more on that another time.

A few months later I left a huge chunk of my stuff behind and moved 3,000 miles back to the East Coast. (Sorry for the mess Rodney.)

It’s 2021. Tim and I are married, and we are going to have our first baby in leas than a month- a girl.

Hallelujah! Praise be to God for brining us back on the right path.

No relationship applications nor random flings were ever as important or as satisfying as this relationship. True love is real, and I have it.

In the age of random hookups and with the constant demonization of the nuclear family, it’s harder and harder to find and hold onto any real relationship.

I see women and men rush into relationships because they are scared of being alone. I was that person too.

I stayed with the wrong people far too long because I didn’t have faith that I’d get back what I lost. Take a lesson from this mistake and don’t follow down the path that almost ruined my entire life.

Ladies, you will never attract a man who will be a decent father and husband being an e-girl or sleeping around. Being modest and nurturing will attract much higher quality suitors!

Men, you won’t find long term happiness from an immodest girl. If she wants to stay a degenerate, she’s choosing her own pleasure over any possible future with you.

I had to fully pull out of my degenerate ways to find myself in the right place to get the most important relationship of my life back on track.

I suffer no illusions of grandeur. I was close to loosing that chance forever.

You don’t need to burn your hand on the stove to learn the same lesson I had to learn with a scorched hand. Love is real, and you won’t find it knee deep in the dating scene, or by sleeping with every person who swipes right.

“there are worse things

than being alone

but it often takes

decades to realize this

and most often when you do

it’s too late

and there’s nothing worse

than too late” — Charles Bukowski

Bukowski was a bitter old man who wasn’t great with women, but he was right. Nothing is worse than too late.

Hold off on the sex. Get to know who the person you’re with is before you give into physical desire.

For now, now just remember this one thing.

To the women:Before you decide to be with someone long term ask yourself these questions.

Is he looking to make a long-term commitment and a intimate connection, or is he using you to masturbate?

Would he make a good father?

Is he a hard worker?

Do you trust that if something happened o you, he could defend you? Would he?

Uncle Rodney gave me a checklist and he told me if a man misses even one he’s not worth it. Again, Uncle Rodney is always right.

My husband passed that test.

Never settle! Learn from my mistakes, and from my success.

Be a rebel. Find a man who will be a husband and father. Find a woman who will be a nurturing mother. Get married. Have kids. Raise them together.

As a follow up, I’ll be writing two more stories:

1) The full, raw and true story of my red pill journey.

2) Life lessons from Uncle Rodney: what to avoid and what to look for in a relationship, and how to be your best self so you are ready when that relationship presents itself.

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Kimberly Coulter

American Journalist and Reporter. 2A and 1A activist. Follow my journalism at